3d gun

i was working on an intro for a cs clan and did this ak47 in 3d. i know that the handle could use a bump or more detail as could the stock but was wondering what you guys thought of it besides that.

ooo! i like that! c4d? it looks really nice, i love the detail in the barrel. how did you model it?

pretty sweet add some detail polys and mesh smooth the clip and you are on to something there.

yeaht he back looks a bit square, but thats it.

it looks good, but it lacks some detail. Good job though :slight_smile:

Looks good, but the handle and stock need to be beveled, or smoothed. I like the barrel :slight_smile:

It looks good, a few tweaks here and there and it would look great, ready for another swift battle? Maybe this summer, i’m very busy, could we start a thread on learning how to add bitmaps to objects, how to apply them, importing bitmaps, methods on how to apply them to irregular objects… etc. That would be great, because i am completely lost when it comes to applying textures. I’m only beginner with 3d and i can’t wait to learn more, you can do some great stuff with it! nice work Hojo :slight_smile:

Nice! It could use some textures though!

http://www.hot.ee/syko/saiga3.jpg <— see how a gun looks better with textures?

I made that a while ago! There are fiewer polygons than the one you made has.

Ibn if you go to www.cgtalk.com great forum for that what you mentioned or if you go to www.3dbuzz.com great resource for free video tuts…They have a good video series on materials…and I did say free

now those will come in handy! Thx iva

It’s gone!!!

What’s gone?

I was looking for textures tutorials for Swift 3d v3, thanks

cyber are you talking about settings?? Or images for use as textures? I dont think swift has the equiv to .mat files for max so you can just add them in a folder and they show up…Then again they might. What kinda material are you trying to get.

BTW what was this gun created in??

Paint, like on a jet, or a tank. With the patterns of lines and dots indicating seams in the vehicle. Thanks. I would like to learn so that i can apply different kinds of texturing to different kinds of 3d. Take a look at this amazing one made in Swift by one of their forum members ( with the help of photoshop ofcourse for the background)


i did soemthing similar in swift it is really tedious to get that kinda of texturing since the way the handle textures is kinda unconventional.

But basically each primitive or extruded object has its on ps7 texture…think of it as stickers like for a model. You apply it using planar mapping and then play with the scale of the mapped image and the positioning of the extruded object in the extrusion editor. The seam is actually on the ps7 image and not the swift object. Also the used alot of seamless patterns for like the body. Do a cylindrical wrap for that…You have to pay attention to detail toget that kind of outptu from swift. But it is real easy to do just not easy to explain. But I would have to show screen shts of the setting for you to really understand.

Hmmmmm…I think I may be confusiong you…If I have time I will do a swift tut on this…someone else asked me to do it a while back…sorry all that and I was not a big help just not easy to explain

Thanks… If i learn how to do this texturing stuff for swift i hope to write a couple of tutorials on it. Bitmap texturing is very useful when it you don’t have time or the memory to make those minute details, and it sometimes, if not all the time, comes out looking better than it would have as 3d objects.:slight_smile:

Is it possible to import PNG’s? If so, how? I tried importing a transparent PNG, and it did not work.

I do not beleive it accepts .pngs although I have never tried…I always used gif or jpg…Youhave to be clever to work around swifts limitations I will try it when i get home.