Here’s the first draft of my new character, tell me what you think!
Non textured:
Cell Shaded:
Software: Maya (all poly modeled)
Thanks in advance,
Here’s the first draft of my new character, tell me what you think!
Non textured:
Cell Shaded:
Software: Maya (all poly modeled)
Thanks in advance,
Lol it looks awesome. My only crit: it lacks detail and the body setup is sort of awkward. Great reflections! What is that to the very top right of the first image? That gray blob?
In the top image, I used a picture of the earth to set up the lighting, so it had a nice contrasted blue lighting. That in the top left is a reflection of one of the continents :). (you can see islands on the floor also :))
Thanks again,
Ah - gotcha ;).
Haha :lol:
Jesus Sharif, you notice the weirdest things
And when I looked at it, I rubbed my screen coz I thought it was just a dirty spot or something… turns out it’s bloody Madagascar! size=1[/size]
It is a good starting point but at this moment I dont like it. Lacks detail and emotion. Not sure what it will be used for but it needs a bit of work. But it is a good start. I would like to see it progress.
yeah he is a little too simple but I love the face. The chest is just empty, give him boobies or something man
hey! awesome work for starters! Ive had a lil play in 3dsmax before, so i know getting into modelling is quite challenging! My 2c:
the fingers and toes could be more rounded, they look a bit like they have been extruded - flat box-like looking. It would be cool to see some sort of texture / hair or something on it in the future… (?)
but other than that, you are off to an excellent start!
keep up the good work!
hmmmm, drop his arms by his side and his fingers hang below the ground!!
DDD- ok, this is just the first draft, an hour or so put into it, just messing around
RadioactveChimp- lol good idea, I’ll do that.
phyzar- thanks! , I’ll round out the hands and stuff. This is just a first draft, so I haven’t added textures and hair yet :). I do have the uv maps all set up… I just have to make a good skin texture now :).
ratbaggy-… yah he’s supposed to be an oaf/alien doohickey… I’ll shorten the arms a bit … but I kninda like the out of proportion arms
Thanks for all the comments!
is it trying to fly?
lol… no, the arms out position is the standard position that makes it easiest to put a bone structure in after the moddleing process is done. Also makes it a lot easier to set up the UV’s
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