C4D Alien

I was watching the old school Alien movies and it inspired me to create my own version of a alien.

I did a fast low poly render in C4D so it’s not as good as I wanted, but you guys got the idea. =)

You guys who can model in 3d kill me…

I always end up with a blob of goo…


killer alien BTW


3D blobs are nice Rev. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love it and I loved you other robot. You should design toys for a toy store I would love to have toys that look like your models

thats really nice electron… you should definately do like a high res render or whatever you wuold call it… I want to see it in its full glory… i really like it.

Maybe throw a little different color in there or something?
Just a thought


nice alien EG, not as fancy as the robot you did once, but still a killer alien :wink:

btw: Frequazoid (who roams here once in a while), uses you robot as a wallpaper in XP, he totally digs it, I know, I have to listen to him everyday at work :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow EG! :beam:

Very cool, wheres his big long head? :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

ahhah thanks guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

eilsoe, tell freqazoid that I’ll be making a wallpaper out of that robot and it will be available when I release the next version of my site which will be in a few weeks. =)

Soul, my alien doesn’t have a long neck because I got lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re meant to make up an excuse about it being your creative flare!! Not that you got lazy!! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

oh cool! i like this!

EG, very nice alien. Although I can’t say as I am a fan of that texture… :hangover: the design of the alien is still nice :thumb:

yeah that material looks to be metal…

The texture makes it look like one freaky looking piece of popcorn.

Or deep fried alien.

You choose.

Hehehe, i’m just messing with ya EG.

i donno about that, but it is just way to shiny to be skin lol

hhmmmm the left leg seems to be not attached to me something is weird…but it is nice other than that.

Deep fried alien…mmmmmmmmmm…I’m getting hungry. =)

i like it. :):thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

he’s gold, gold plated. he’s defanitely got cash.

j/k EG, i think it looks really nice.

sweet, really tight as always :slight_smile:

I wish I could do that! That’s awesome! Could you put some alien texture on it to make it a real alien? that’d be cool!