3D Studio Max+MSN

We would like to learn 3D Studio Max, but its hard for a newbie with a lot of questions. Maybe anyone more experinced could write some tutorials for begginers or point some good sites. That would be apreaciated. We would also like to know if there are people that know 3D studio Max and would not get upset to teach a little through MSN Messenger. We could help with Photoshop or Flash MX.
Thanks in advance,

Claudio & DaisyDee :slight_smile:

there are like thousands of max tutorials on the net
look at the sticky thread for some 3d tutorial sites :slight_smile:

but I think u should start with the tutorials that came with max… they will teach u all the basic stuff!

if you have any particular questions I can try and help u :slight_smile:

Do you know how to use 3d studio max?:sigh:
How long have you been using it?
What version do you have?
Thank you so so much on behalf of Claudio and Me


There are´also a lot of good tutes that came with 3ds max!

Thanks, will try those. :slight_smile:
Me & DaisyDee

I started using max from ver 3.1 or something!
now i have 5!
but yer… i’m still a learner :slight_smile: it takes alot of commitment to learn everything in the program :stuck_out_tongue:

you could try the video tutorials on www.vtc.com… that’s how I learnt basic CSS for Dreamweaver.

Thank you for all the replyes and links.
Thank you too Kei!
Is it okey if we add you to our MSN list Kei?:stuck_out_tongue:

I dont really use MSN :stuck_out_tongue:
u can always post in this message board :)?

hey guys. www.3dbuzz.com. they have some of the best video tutorials for max i have ever seen! they also have the best 3d message board i have seen.

kingmike @ cox .net

^ remove spaces and tahts my MSN name.

if you have pertiular ?'s i will try to help but i too am a n00b.

Hey Mike, thanks I really apreciate your help =)
Ive downloaded one of the video tutorials, lets see if i can learn something.

Cheers m8,
Claudio & DaisyDee :slight_smile:

yay! i bet by the time you finish those you will be better than me :stuck_out_tongue: do all those, you wont regret it. i have to start at the begining and crap to relearn it all, cause i think that i have some bad habbits that need to be changed.

another good place for info is www.cgtalk.com a very responsive forum…The also have a post if you can find it with alot of tutorials links on it. Maybe someone here would be so kinda as to post the link to it. I dont have it where I am at.

ironikart always has it handy. i have it on teh PC but that thing is so skrewed up i cant get it to you.

Thank you for the links and help!!!:thumb: