One of my roommates and myself were hanging out, had some friends over, partied a bit too hard, they left, we got talking and next thing we knew it was 5am. Man I hate that. Plus I am up at 9!!! I dunno why I woke up, I guess by body is trying punish me. Or possibly it has something to do with what kept me up till 5am :sigh: - either way I am tired and I am going to sleep again. I hope you all had a wonderful friday evening…
I had such a things too, I’ve been playing chess one evening until 6 am. And my mother made me awake at 8.30. Oh man, I was tired that day, I almost fell asleep at my computer…
…I’m back… not feeling much better, but I cant sleep anymore its after 1pm - I bet I sleep like a baby tonight! Why do I do this to myself?! Oh yeah, cuz it seemed like a good idea at the time!