What is your ideal time to goto bed and get up?

I noticed i have a natural tendancy for 3am and 10am… i cant seem to change this, i also know my most productive time of the day is 11pm-3am then i “pass out”.

Who said 9-5 was normal???

Whats your habits? I wish work was more varied about times.

Yeah, I’m about the same as you. But if I’m sleeping in a room with a really good bed and big windows, the natural light tends to wake me up all peacefully at like 7am. Those mornings are the best.

I’m very ‘normal’ in that aspect. I wake up at 6, go running, work all day and fall asleep before midnight :stuck_out_tongue:

4 hours fitter than me :stuck_out_tongue:

Go to sleep between 11:00PM-1:00AM depending on what I had going on and if I had things I need to finish. Then I wake up at 5:00AM every day and shower, make breakfast, pack work and gym stuff. Then I’m at gym around 6:00AM. Stay till about 7:30AM. Shower then be at work by 8:15AM. Work till 6:00PM. Basketball at 7:00PM. 9:00-11:00PM is free time haha. Some days differ and I only have basketball four days a week.

Weekends I don’t work and it changes depending on if I am with girlfriend or out with friends (bars, movies, sports events). I love weekends. M-F is not so cool.

2-3AM sleep unless I’m working on something and am on a coding streak. Wake up at 7 AM for work or 2 PM if I don’t work. Right now I have class on Tuesday and Thursday so I’m kind of forced to wake up at 11 to go to class.

[QUOTE=sekasi;2357088]I’m very ‘normal’ in that aspect. I wake up at 6, go running, work all day and fall asleep before midnight :P[/QUOTE]

I really wish I had the dedication to do this. When I’m not traveling and can sort of work my own hours I end up getting up around 9 or 10am, going for my run at like 9 - 11pm and crashing between midnight and 2am. It’s really unhealthy and frustrating that I can’t break the stupid cycle.

I usually wake up at 6:45 am, and crash at about 1:00-2:00 am. Sleep is for children.

Wow you lot get up really early.

During holidays, go to sleep 1-3am usually and get up 11.30-1 sometimes 2 if I’m tired.

If I get up before 11 I’m left feeling exhausted the rest of the day.

School is hell, usually I can’t remember a thing until afternoon lessons.

I got to sleep between midnight and 3am (normally the mid-latter part, sometimes later if I have something I eed to get done) and get up between 7 and 8 am (sometimes later if I am feeling lazy)

10pm - 6am is by far my most productive hours. The rest of the day I have an extremely hard time focusing on anything (except for aimlessly surfing the internet and gaming, occasionally coding, but even that can have a hard time breaking through), but during that period from 10pm-6am I can focus really well and churn out quite a bit of work.


[QUOTE=nobody;2357128]I really wish I had the dedication to do this. When I’m not traveling and can sort of work my own hours I end up getting up around 9 or 10am, going for my run at like 9 - 11pm and crashing between midnight and 2am. It’s really unhealthy and frustrating that I can’t break the stupid cycle.[/QUOTE]

For what it’s worth, I’ve done it for 5 years now and I still think “maybe I’ll just stay in bed today” every. single. morning.

: )

up at 5-5:30
down at 10-10:30

All I can say is that night me usually pisses off morning me.

Well since i’m a student, and its now summer…usually anywhere from 2-5am To 12-5pm :smiley:

7 in the morning and 11:30 at night.

Weekends like 1am and then wake up at 10. After 8 hours I kind of just wake up.

from 3 am to 8 :30 am.
from [COLOR=“Red”]6:45 am to 8:30[/COLOR] am sometimes ( so little )

10:30 - 11 PM sleep, 7:10 wake, on weekdays.

wake up at 5 am and sleep at 10.30 pm max…all days, no weekends to sleep for me.

07:00 - 11:30, roughly… if I move it too much I yawn the whole day…
growing old I guess. at 16, 04:00 - 07:00 seemed quite alright…