A bunch of scribbles by Skribble

hey guys, ive recently been teaching myself how to draw people, not realistic mind u, but people none the less. SO heres sum work :slight_smile:

first off this is me. yes the yellow stuff is hair lol, i have a weird hair style so yeh =P

this was from a convo we had =P


me and my friend bec were contemplating wot would happen if a guy slapped her butt…

and this was done for a friend when she was being mean and i kept calling her an evil ice queen XD (all in good fun ovcourse)


critiques are fine if u would like to do sum :slight_smile:

Those are cool. Second one is my favourite. Made me lol.

haha they are cool. The first one is a bit pixelated but the others are all good. Keep em comming :slight_smile:

2 and 3 are perfect, i’d love to read/see a whole comic book/movie. you’ve got talent, that’s for sure :thumb:

thanx guys =D it realy makes me happy when people enjoy my stuff :slight_smile:

haha dude, ur like the 10th person to say that. Unfortunatly work takes up most of my time, but i am thinking of making one up that i can work on, on weekends :slight_smile:

http://unmindful.undeadninja.com - thats a comic site i put up a while ago, i made a few and i planned to make one everyday, until i got a full time job lol

ill be sure to let u know if i end up making a new comic series =D

thanx again

“…i don’t have any cows”

roflmao :lol:

that comic almost killed me, glad to hear you’ll keep it up :smiley:

LOL! love them! 2 and 3 were great!

Keep up the good work!