Several Hand Drawn Sketches :)

heya: here are some skteches i made in the past day or so.


i love your work ! :slight_smile:

keep it up :smiley:

The very top pic with the robot girl is really cool… i like that
they are all awesome, thats just my favorite

omg! These are awesome… like all the stuff you make! I lov 'em especially the fourth one! Keep ‘em comin’ :slight_smile:

you make me want to be a better drawer.
if i could only draw in the first place.

you make me wanna cry!

i think we should have a party where everyone bashes you because your better then us

sound good everyone? :esmirk:

That’s a good idea, but then Edwin will just draw us bashing him in a glorious way, and we will all feel stupid.

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**That’s a good idea, but then Edwin will just draw us bashing him in a glorious way, and we will all feel stupid. **

har harh ar :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :tb:

WOW… holy crap… thoes are AWSOME!!!:stunned: :stunned: :stunned:

I like the second to last one. the rest suck. good try though.

hahahahaha, im totally kidding. They are all fuc*in awesome. nice.

very nice! love it.

Forgot about this topic. THANX guys :slight_smile: