A font that i was developing

but i got tired, coz making fonts is too damm time consuming :frowning:

i made this draft on flash:

what were you using>? cause i coulnd get the hang of Fontographer///

hehe… the same… fontographer. :hangover:

yeah its a messy proggi! i dont know how ppl used it…

oh way to go man! That font is COOL! I haven’t seen any font-progs yet! Is there a demo or trial somewhere of that fonto-thingy? =)

dude take a pencil and paper and you got the upgraded version of fotographer…no lie


that looks like a good one here,

OH MAN! this proggie is sooo ez!

thanks syko! =)

yeah i would finish it if i were you, how far did you get?

i made the alphabet on flash, and i was adapting it to fontographer, but i gave up… too long :frowning:

i think i´ll use it only on flash drawings, so, there is no need to make a font type out of it.

check this out dippy: :wink:

weee! hey very cool! thanks! but with this proggi, you can import .bmp’s to be letters…

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**thanks syko! =) **

np… but… what did I do? :stuck_out_tongue:

complimented dude~

*Originally posted by Syko *
**np… but… what did I do? :stuck_out_tongue: **

put… the <i>cigarette</i> … down…




lol :stuck_out_tongue:

dippy: if you want it in vector let me know :wink:

i dont care…