A preloader question - again!


I read all the tus on here about making preloaders and they were very helpful.


I stll have a few lingering questions.

A. The tuts show how to make basic preloaders but what about designing your own graphic animations for the preloaders? Do you just make a movie clip for the aniamted preloader?

B. Does this defeat the purpose of the preloader since you are probably adding more file size to the swf by making an elborate preloader?

A. Once you design your custom preloader, where should the preloader go? On the the timeline of the swf it’s loading before the the swf starts? I see that this is where some people put it but if there are better place that are more efficient I’d like to know. Should it go on the root timeline always?

I know this had been discussed before but I can’t seem to find specific answers.
