A problem with popUp Window?

i tried the tutorial on this website and it worked fine. but when i came to apply that on my website…i just couldn’t.

basically my homepage’s got a menu (on main timeLine) with buttons on it. Now, if u want to alter the buttons ,u have to double click on the menu then takes u to buttons indiviually.
So What i’ve done is place the button code on the button and the action code just above the button layer…that didn’t work(well it created a window with nothing on it).

Then i moved the action layer outside with on the main TimeLine, but that also didn’t help.

So any Suggestions ,ll be greatful. oh for those who don’t know what i’m talking about visit this link.




if it loaded a blank window, then maybe you need to specify a URL to load… just a thought…

if it produced a window without any errors, then the main function
is working. Majeye thinks what I do, and that’s you’re calling the
wrong page name.

mind posting your .fla?

it’s openning a window, but nothing on it. but when i used the tutorial i mentioned …created a new button on a new movie with the same code it works!!. but when i used the exact same code and applied to my website.swf…it just didn’t work… :trout

so, did you get it or not? haha

I hope you did…

check this .swf…sorry i can’t upload .fla

since u r looking at my site…may as well explain why those random moving circles behaving like that?

Thanks by the way :slight_smile:

resolved -

Go here to see the solution, if you haven’t already found it.
