Center Pop Up tutorial issues

The Turorial found here on Kirupa for Center Justified Pop UP windows seems to have issues. I found an old thread which stated the same problem but there was never any resolution to the issue posted.

My pop up window is blank and has no image. I have accurate file names and even if I use the tutorial and call up my own url in the tutorail code it still doesn’t work.

Any other people have this issue?

I just went through the whole thing, and got the same problem.
However, what I was doing was testing it from Preiew, rather
than from an html page. I put the movie into an html page, and
it works beautifully!

When you test it, make sure you’re testing the movie from an
html page, and not from Preview in flash, or just the movie itself.
The script needs the browser to be able to open a new window.

the problem with the tutorial, is that it’s not all that obvious to
view it in your browser.

step v. Save the animation and preview it in your browser. You will notice that the window appears perfectly centered.
Can we get that bolded up or something? because I missed it too.

I understand all that, and it still doesn’t work for me…

I put the Fla. on my server so you could peep it out…
all the files are on the server as well…so it technically should work…If you see something please let me know Cause I’m losing the majority of my hair on this problem

where in the fla is the code? i don’t even see it. What button is
supposed to be sending out the pop?

Ok you click the DJ mix button to shop for cd’s
then click one of the first icons…
then a page comes up with a CD cover to the left.

That is the button with the code…
the layer actions are on a seperate layer than the normal actions and they should be on the layer below the Garf-x

iut’s spelled wrong in the file too


hey - sorry i was away for a bit.


The way you have it setup won’t work. It’s nothing that you did.
but rather that the script needs an html page to run properly.
It looks like this is going to be a recurring problem, because lots of
people are running into this.

Since this movie is running from loadMovie, and not itself
embedded into an html page, it will not work.

Here’s the script I use, because I use loadMovie all the time.
Put this in your head tag of the html page your main movie is on:

<script language="JavaScript">
    function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {, windowName, windowFeatures);

then put this in a getURL action on your button in flash:

on (release) {
    getURL("about :openNewWindow('','thewin','height=250,width=100,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no')");

[size=1][for some reason, it’s putting a space between domain and .com. no space goes there ][/size]

Simply change the properties of this script on each button for
what you need the page to display (status, scrollbars, etc).

The great thing about this script, is that you can reuse it over and
over again with 100’s of buttons. All you have to do is change the
button’s script properties to what you need.

Hope that helps. =)

Thank you for your help… It all works now…


good to hear! =)

did you just swap out the script? How did you fix it?

Hey, I tried this out and it didn’t work right. I think my circumstances are a little different than the guy with the original problem though. I am trying to use this script on a button in a loadmovie circumstance, but the main timeline movie is already in a pop-up of its own. I am trying to create a button that launches another pop-up off of a pop up. Does that make sense? If so, can anybody help? Thanks.

Sorry guys, just trying to move this up a little. Any help? Thanks.