A Question :D

Hey there! :thumb:

I am currently working on my first flash website v1.00 and i want it to look really cool i ahve taken a liking to this effect on both this site (portfolio section)


On the portfolio section the image waves in kinda this is the effect i am after :).

and Eg’s Site on the picture that loads up (main page)


On electron geek’s site (great site) the text box’s kinda U shape in all at the same time this is the effect i am after.

The effects i need is how do they make the picture effect part of the picture shows up sliding across to reveal the other part it’s a quick thing but looks really effective.

How do i do this in idiot’s term and how do i maybe customize it?

If you dont know which effect i mean i will try and explain more to you :).


oh, now i get it!

use masking with shape tween

Some more information wouldnt go a miss.

I’m not great at flash and i still dont get how to do it :/.

you create new layer, make it a mask and make animation…

it’s not simple dude!

what do i do in the animation what do i do with the mask? what type of animation? Is their boundaries? :confused:

fluid_0ne, this will be a warning. If you’re going to reply to a post, please make sure it’s not a one word reply.

Also explain your answer in more detail.

Visualaid, I made a simple FLA file for you to study. What it contains is 2 layers, 1 is for the mask and the other one is for the box being masked.

What I did was shape tween the mask to create the “U” shape you’re referring to. I hope helps, enjoy. =)

My hero :slight_smile: :thumb: