Please help!

Perhaps a big ask, but is it possible for someone to replicate through a .fla a really simple version, of the masking effect(s) found here ?

I’m relatively new to Flash, and I can’t really grasp how I’d this - but I have to learn it really quickly for a school assignment? I’m sure I could get my head around it pretty quickly if I had some sort of source to work with.

Again I know its a big ask, but any help will be much appreciated.


It´s very simple if you know how to work with masks?

  1. Create a layer and place the picture/illustration you want to wipe in/out.
  2. Then create a layer above it and convert it to a mask layer.
    Now, put a rectangle in the mask layer and animate the rectangle just like you animate any other object to create the effect you want.

I actually haven’t dabbled with Masks before, but I recently did give a simple one a go. And I had a few problems - do I animate the rectangle by using a motion tween? I did this, and it works okay (not smooth and perfectly aligned with the image though) however it goes one way, then back again how do I make it go one way only, so once the image is revealed it stops - like the website example above?

Another question, the website example has abstract shapes that are masked, would they be done with a circle or rectangle too? Or is that like masking along a path or something?

Thank you for your help.


I advice you to check out the Kirupa tutorial about masking:

But to answer your questions:
Yes, you could work with all kinds of shapes. And you could work with either motion tweens and shape tweens.

How to make it smoother:
A) Try to change the framerate to 24 fps or higher. Keep in mind that viewers with old computers with low memory could experience lagging. (including the web site you sent.)
B) Also, use the Easein/out option to create smoother stops and starts. (I´m allmost always sets the ease out to a 100 which makes the movieclip to slow down and stop. It´s easy and looks good.

How to make the transition to stop?
Here, you must use a little action script.

  1. Select the last frame in your mask transition.
  2. Open up the ActionScript window
  3. Choose Actions/Movie control
  4. Doubleclick on the “stop” Now, the movie should stop at the last frame.

In the example you sent they use a lot of movieclips on top of each others to create a more complex experience. Try that to.

Cheers Jonas