A resolution problem

I’m used to using Dreamweaver MX to do most of my webworks but I realize that I’m now stuck in a situation where resolution is an issue. I’m supposed to design a website at 800x600 res. According to most, the safest working design size is around 744x410 with scroll. I’ve designed a picture according to 744x410 res, created a layout cell in dreamweaver and placed the picture into the layout table. To my surprise, the page came out with scrolls from both horizontal and vertical sides. I managed to kill this problem my using this html code given by a friend:



However, this can only apply to a non-layout cell page. I need that layout cell for an iframe. Is there a way to make both sides happy, as in to have the have the layout table inserted yet place the picture at absolute 0? I’ve tried inserting a layer into the non layout table version, insert the code for iframe but the result is I’m not able to change the size of the iframe to what I wanted.

Any form of help would be appreciated :slight_smile: