Dreamweaver MX / HTML help... resolution

Hey guys! Ok I’m designing a sample page in flash/dreamweaver, so that it will fill the screen at 800x600 res and stay centred at 1024x768. However, as you will see on the link below, the sub menu (yellow box on the left) moves out of position when the page is viewed in 800x600!!!

I know dealing with different screen res is a common designer problem, bt I’d be grateful if anyone could help me out, either by showing me how to fix the “out of position” nav box, or point me to some helpful sites/resources…!

Thanx guys - the link is: http://www.paulachonu.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/tbm/frameset.htm

Why did you post this in D&D forum, instead of scripting forum?


i think he thought it was a design problem

Well yeh it is a design problem… well I’ll post it in there then as well.


I will move it.


I’ve been scratchng my head over this problem, and I think I may have a solution. Define your frame widths as percentages then place the contents of each frame within a single cell fixed width table, with the alignment for the table set to left, right or center to keep the contents snug to the adjacent frame as desired.
Does that make sense?

how about iframe in iframe?