Okay, so this is a question I’ve been wondering about for a looooooooooong time:
I’ve got this image for my splash screen. It’s the only thing that’ll be displayed on the first screen. When you click it, you’ll go trough to the main site.
I’ve made the picture in photoshop, 1024 x 768 pixels.
But this is the part I’ve been wondering about:
**What if someone with another resolution comes to my site? If it’s like 800 x 600, the picture will be wrong, and if the resolution is higher then 1024 x 768, it’ll probably be too small. So what do I do to stop this?
Also, how should I make that first page? Should I just import it into Dreamweaver and set it as a background image or something?**
I have two images now. Both are 1024x768 resolution.
I imported them into Dreamweaver, and made them into this kind of rollover image thingy.
But when I preview it in my browser, the images are too big! You have to scroll to see them. I mean, how comes? My resolution is at 1024 x 768! And still I have to scroll to see pictures who are that size. Is it because: if your resolution is at 1024 x 768, you have to make your images that size minus the internext explorer bars and such or something? I don’t get it, please help me
1024x768 is the full screen size the browser takes some space from the full resolution so you dont really have 1024x768 workspace its more like 955x600 pixels your workspace according to dreamweaver, anyways its wiser to make your site for 800x600 that way it will be viewable in 800x600 and bigger resolutions
I see, I’ve noticed those odd resolutions in Dreamweaver, and now I understand why
But how do you mean: if I make it in 800 x 600, will it be able to be viewed nicely and at the same size in 1024 x 768 and bigger as well? Won’t the quality be less or something?