...A rollover button

Hey there guys…
Im still trying to figure out how to make this particular rollover… i dont know if its easy to you guys or not… but its frustrating me something cronic.

Go to http://www.2advanced.com

And “enter” the actually site… once your in, roll over one of the buttons “portfolio” for example… how do i make a rollover button like that?



its very nice site. You can create those btns very eassly, two way you can do it.

first you have to create a movie clip which work on roll over

the first way to create it is put the movie clip in over frame of btn.

the second ways is put the movie into the scene and write an AS to the btn

on (rollover){

if u are in advace level you can manage that without put it in the scene , on rollover just attach that movie clip into scene and position it where the is… and roll out remove it.

its upto you, the way you think better.


Hey Ajok,

The syntax you wrote is in flash mx is it not? i have flash 5 so… i dont think your syntax works for me hey…

But i have made an attachment of a fla.file…(of my attempt) if u could please just take a look at it and tell me what im doing wrong, it would be much appreciated.

Basically this is what i did.
created button… then copied it… then “insert> new symbol” > movie> pasted the button in the movie clip so it would have the same dimensions as the button. (error: for some reason if i now want to change the colour of the fader… but button colour changes too?) >created my animation> went back to the scene… Dragged the movie (fader) in the scene… added actions to the buttons.

But now there is 2 problems:
1# if i roll over the button the fader will stuff up…
2# if i drage the fader directly over the button… the animation wont work???

Can u please help… im building a site and i really want this effect on my buttons…

heres the fla.file…
keep in mind im using flash 5, not mx.

thanks heaps hey…
