Hi there, is there anybody who can teach me how to make a “animated rollover button” by using Flash MX because i still dont get it the tutorial in your webpage that teached in Flash 5 mode. Im a slow learner. Please teach me in Flash MX way step by step so i dont feel blur…I want to make my website cool! So if a master of Flash MX or pro. just lend me your hand okay?
Thank You guys!
Please email me at :
well…i’m no pro but i’m pretty sure i know what ur talkin bout.
Select whatever object you want to be a button and press F8, and choose button. Then double click your button and your timeline should turn into 4 things:
Up, Over, Down, and Hit.
Up is the state of your button when it’s just sitting there. Over is the state of the button when you have the mouse pointer over it, Down is the state when the button is pressed, and Hit defines the area of the button.
To make a rollover just put a keyframe (F6) into your Over state, make the button a movieclip by pressing F8 and selecting Movie Clip. Then double click the button to go into symbol-editing mode, and animate it however you like. When you test your movie and put the mouse over the button…it should do whatever you animated it to do.