I have been having trouble doing a shimmer effect one a piece of text. I have tried to accomplish it several times but i get a completely different effect… and im always like…
“what the… ???”
And problem number 2 is…
a loading bar of some sort. It doesnt neccessarily have to be a complex loading bar. Even if it just says “loading…please wait” that would be fine. But if its possible to have a small “bar” with the “%” with it thats still not too complex… that would be even better.
So if anyone could help me out… that would be much appreciative…
I wrote that tutorial for MX, but did my best to make it compatible with Flash 5 as well. I have been told that all the code works in Flash 5 as well, so if you want, give it a try.
i dont actually know any sites off the top of my head…
but i’ll explain it…
Lets day you have a peace of text that says “jakatta”… i wanna know how make a shimmer as if light was reflecting of it from left to right… it involves masking, but im not sure how to do it.
SORRY… god i just read my last post and my grammer was terrible.
let me re-write it:
Say you have a peice of text that says “jakatta”, what i want to know is how to make a “light” or an “reflection of light” shimmer from left to right. I know masking is involved… but im just not sure how to come around to accomplishing it.
Just click on the sections and wait for the animation to play then when the title plays it will have the ray of light effect on the first letter (advanced ray of light effect).
And please… this guy is an expert at motion/shape tweens and frame by frame animation, so even though his flash animations are amazing, they are certainly not easy, so don’t expect to be doing things like that right off the bat…lol.
now there will be intro… that goes for 10 seconds and then the page loads. once the page loads… there will be a sequence of images moving across at the top of the page. Now keep an eye out for the logo (which is 3 egg like balls in a shape of a triangle) it will have a shimmer in one of the sequences…
At the front page u will see my symbol that shimmers on and off the screen. (its of circles)… no imagine that THAT image is visible at all times… but the oppisite effect… shimmers on the inside.
Crap… just realizing you use Flash 5 and I use Flash MX you will not be able to open my file.
Basically was I did was this…
I created my text.
Then I broke it apart (select the textbox and hit CTRL+B)
Then I clicked on the keyframe in the timeline and I pressed F6 (my shortcut for Insert Keyframe you could also right click on the next frame and choose Insert Keyframe) about 15 times.
Then on frames 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 I turned the color of my text to white and frames 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 were left black.
Exact rip off?
If you look carefully you’ll notice that the only thing that is the same is the way the buttons are layed out… other than that… they have a continueous animation, more info, different background settings…
Yes i got the idea from that site but i didnt wanna make a replicant. Sorry… i did get kinda offended… but i dont blame you, i can understand why you thought that though. Im actually building a new site at the moment, completely originally… so all good. smiles as a matter of fact i think its going to be much better than the one i have now.
About your description…
i know the effect your talking about… but its not it.
im sorry… your probably thinking im wasting your time. I’ll tell you what. i’ll have a good look through the web until i find what i want, then send it here.
Thanks for all your help…
Sorry for the inconvenience…
YES just your footer… but i did the tut in kirupa… i did exactly that but i got a different effect
thats cool… i done the loading fine though
but i have a prob… im building this site right
(ignore the full screen, im resizing it smaller)… but when u roll over “1” button see how that shape is lit up ?.. well i want it to light up right over the “1”… like a button. but i dont know how to?
the 1 is a button… and the other is a graphic.
But when i place the graphic over the “1” button… it wont work?
*Originally posted by chris *
i’m also using flash 5 so I will look into why you can’t open this. **
If you are on a mac, you have to .zip the .fla file. Otherwise it will give an “Unexpected File Error” or something. Its a weird bug, and I don’t think it can be fixed.
Hey Chris,
Yeah it opened this time… thanks heaps hey! But now theres another problem, lol… When i wanna see the actions in the frames, the action box opens up but there’s no actions, it hides them from me :(… So i dont know the actions from frame 1 onwards…