Help on this Effects plz!

Hello Guys!

I just wanted to know if someone here can teach me how to do this effects when the page loads, or if not, something similar. An example .swf movie clip would be muach appreciated.

Thanks very Much in Advance!

Note: I am a Flash Newbie

Which part? There’s a bunch of tweens for the during loading animation and then some ending animation. They get the shine-like light with another tween and a mask.

*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**Which part? There’s a bunch of tweens for the during loading animation and then some ending animation. They get the shine-like light with another tween and a mask. **

Any, i know theres different on each when pages loads. but anyone of them, the one you think is a lot easier to do.

Note: I am reffering to the one that plays after the preloader

thanks in advance!

Anyone has any idea? on how to do this effects?

Could you describe the effect you’re talking about? It might help :slight_smile:

Jeeeeeeeeeeesus! I think i already had a clear statement on that, but anyway…

I want that effects after the preloader on the “News” or “Gallery”.
Seen that effects? that logo is some kind of dissappearing then displays the content.

Thanks in Advance! a sample of it would be much appreaciated! cheers!