I just wanted to know if someone here can teach me how to do this effects http://www.gangstarronline.com/ when the page loads, or if not, something similar. An example .swf movie clip would be muach appreciated.
Which part? There’s a bunch of tweens for the during loading animation and then some ending animation. They get the shine-like light with another tween and a mask.
*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**Which part? There’s a bunch of tweens for the during loading animation and then some ending animation. They get the shine-like light with another tween and a mask. **
Any, i know theres different on each when pages loads. but anyone of them, the one you think is a lot easier to do.
Note: I am reffering to the one that plays after the preloader
Jeeeeeeeeeeesus! I think i already had a clear statement on that, but anyway…
I want that effects after the preloader on the “News” or “Gallery”.
Seen that effects? that logo is some kind of dissappearing then displays the content.
Thanks in Advance! a sample of it would be much appreaciated! cheers!