A site

heres a quick site i did for my neighborhood.
i personally dont like it, but none of them know anything about flash so i guess its grand.
how bout some opinions from people who know what theyre talking about?

no host yet

early in developement, WAY TOO BIG. oops

From the splash page off I thought: “This will be a nice one”, and my thoughts were correct. It’s truly beautiful :slight_smile: The transparency and the nice images… I love it ! :love: The only thing: you might wanna place the swf a little higher :slight_smile:

yes cool colors, I like it too, crisp images, but delete those 3 breaks that Voetsjoeba pointed out.

good stuff


thanks. you guys are much nicer than the people over at flashkit :beam:

ill delete the breaks. i run at 1280 x 1024 and forget to test at lower resolutions

I love the earth tone colors your layout uses and I think it’s nice as well. The only thing I can suggest is using a table to center your movie no matter what resolution it’s viewed on. You can use a table code like this:

<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <embed src="mymovie.swf" height="480" width="640"></embed>

*Originally posted by gmh526 *
**thanks. you guys are much nicer than the people over at flashkit :beam:

ill delete the breaks. i run at 1280 x 1024 and forget to test at lower resolutions **

Yes flashkit has a lot of people with attitude problem…just look at 2a new site topic…insane


thanks a ton for the code electrongeek, ive been needing it.

no one ever gave me that at flashkit :slight_smile:

no problem. =)

You have a nice site, easy to get around and get info. Nice color coordination too. :slight_smile: