Here it is, my second flash site. A few bugs still, but i’m ready for critique. Bring it on.
cool site but you are using a sound loop i have created without giving me any props!. yo thats bad !
this is the loop i am talking about…
Really?! Thanks then! Its a temporary thing whilst i wrestle with the tune ive been planning on. i didnt credit anyone becasue i didnt think more than 3 people would see it, let alone the creator! If i stick with it ill be happy to credit you but it should be gone within the next couple of days.
i like how the eyes zoom in :beam:
2 things…when I highlighted the audio part of the page it went crazy
also it seemed kinda laggy when I highlighted the eyes…maybe its just my computer (AMD 1Ghz 256MBRam)
well its pretty good except when you clcik on portfoloio> then flash, each time you click on a new thing in the scrollbar thing…it restsarts from its normal position…if you can make it not do that it’ll be cooler…
also my mouse seems to not move very smoothly on that…maybe you could fix that too.>!? no clues how tho
Ok, I will start by saying… Good Start
But now I will tear apart some things I disliked.
Chromeless windows are dead. As for IE6 Server Pack 1, no browser supports them. Being I use IE6 SP1, I get a fullscreen window… me no like full screen windows
Also, being a fullscreen window and you have your movie set to autoscale (or just don’t have it embedded in an html file) the movie is gigantic.
The custom mouse cursor… Not too fond of them altogether, that is just me though.
When visiting the sections, I was trying to click on the eyes, but then found I had to click on the text, maybe distinguish those as buttons.
But as I said… good start
I think the splash page could use some work, make the title and the eye bigger and reduce the font size of the site requirement text so that the vewier focuses on the title and logo. Aslo the time stamp at the bottom sort of killed the design too, I would take that out if it’s not necessary.
I also noticed you’re using a pop-up chromeless window which is bad for 2 main reasons:
- Some viewers like myself, hates pop-ups.
- The chromeless window doesn’t work on IE browsers after SP1.
Also your preloader is huge and the custom cursor is a bit tacky too, takes away from the professionalism.
You need to work on your text as well, I noticed that the font size are different on some sections so theres no continuity going on. Try to use the same type of font and size through out your layout.
You should also move your music player to the main layout instead of having it on the splash page so viewers don’t have to click back and forth just to use your music player.
The only thing I liked was your color scheme, its soothing, but other than that, I think you still have a lot of work ahead of you. Good luck. =)
you definitely should set the size of the movie… You have it set @ 100%x100%… and especially on my 22" screen it looks huge and pixelated.
just my 2 cent
Very nice start.
I thing everything seems to big. I am personally a fan of small readable text.
I would toss the cunsom curso, or at least contrats its color more. It seems to get lost in the page.
The chromless window was laready mentioned…
Overall I think it is a very good start.
I like the site, my only complaint is the fullscreen mode and that fact that the flash movie is streatched to fit the screen, it makes the images look pretty ugly. I would be intrested to see the final product.
Good stuff, keep it up
It wasn’t intentionally full screen. The replies above state why it shows up that way though.
I lost the mouse. Oh, and I couldn’t click on any of the stuff in your Flash portfolio. I want to see that line drawing one…
Up your fps, and fix the bug in your audio rollover thingy.
More suggestions on previous posts
Thanks all. Very helpful. Ive buggered my fla though and im having trouble updating anything. I will be making said changes as soon as i get my hands on the backup.
Very nice start. I would maybe but some boundries on your scrolling menu. It seems kind of funny when yyou go to the edge of the screen with it. Cutom cursor I would get rid of. Everything else has been said. Nice start