I bin fighting with this bundle for a few days now but i juist cant find it :(… ME IS GETTING FREAKT OUT dhamm software aaarrrggg…!!!
:bad: okay sorry for this outburst, but i just had to let it out
now to the problem… in Flash 5 there is a little thingy called “Edit center” this is a tool where you can edit a center of you movieclip to any place you want, but now i’m using Flash MX and i just cant find it anymore… WHERE THE HELL IS THIS TOOL
I tryed the “Free transforum” but that move a “Spot” but not my center cross… can someone help me…???
Okay, I double checked. In flash MX, you can move the registration point by using the arrow keys on the ‘edit in place’ function.
This may not be what you want to do. But it moves the crosshairs to where you want.
Wel i’m sorry to say this but it does’nt work here
See thing is there a 2 points in my movie clip… a rond one and a crosshair… the roundone o moved with “Free transforum” but the little crosshiar stays at it’s post
First off - you know I’m new at this too, I hope so.
The round spot on your movie clip - forgive me for not knowing the name, can be moved with free transform… This will (for all practical purposes) change the point of rotation if you choose to rotate your movie clip on the stage. (I don’t know the real name, sorry…)
If you double click on that same movie clip - you will go into a different mode (same as F8 while the MC is selected - then ‘Edit In Place’) - then you can use your arrow keys to move the crosshairs wherever you desire.
This is all in Flash MX. I have never used a Flash program before MX (6.0). If you are using a different version - it could be the basis of our miscommunication.