Aargh! loadMovie insanity!

How do you do loadMovie into an empty movie clip automatically, without a silly butto push or anything?

I’ve got a movie. I want to include another movie when the .swf file loads (so I can use a preloader on the movie that’s being loaded).

So, in my timeline, on a layer called banner, I have an empty movie clip I’ve made, with the following code:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
    loadMovie("topbar.swf", "_root.barHolder");

topbar.swf is the name of the movie that’s being called.

barHolder is the instance name for the movie clip I want it to load to.

So why isn’t this working?

Try changing “topbar.swf” to an absolute URL, like “C:/Flash\Saved%20work\ opbar.swf”. That may not be the problem. One thing I do know is wrong is that it’s in an onClipEvent (enterFrame){
loads the movie once each frame

Change that to (load) and something should improve. Don’t know bout the URL, but that should work if they’re in the same folder.

:expressionless: Well, that WORKED, but it’s now taking control of the entire movie, and not placing it where the other movie clip was :frowning:

yeah, I found loading movie clips through another movie clip sucks ***. From personal expiernce it never showed up in the proper coordinates and It was very touchy. I would just load it straight onto your root movie. You dont need the onclip event all I would do is insert a keyframe when you want the movie to start loading. And have
or whichever level you want it to load on.