loadMovie problem

I’ve used loadMovie just once before, and I had it working just fine. For some reason, I can’t get it to work again, and I can’t figure out why.

I have a loader movie called History01.swf, a movie to be loaded called HistoryScroll.swf, and an empty movie clip with an instance name of “emptySpace” of the right size and position in History01.swf.

I’d like HistoryScroll.swf to load automatically right after History01.swf begins, so I put this actionScript early in the movie:


Both .swf files are in the same folder.

HistoryScroll.swf works fine by itself.

What am I doing wrong here? Can you not simply load a movie this way?

try putting this code at the very end of the movie you want to load in the empty movie clip or “container” as it is commonly referred to as:


Well, I appreciate the tip, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. Thanks, though.

in the first frame of the main timeline in your history01.swf try adding:

_root.currMovie = “HistoryScroll”;

and keep the before mentioned code in the movie to be loaded.

Well, I must just have something wrong somewhere; that didn’t help, either. I just can’t figure out where I’ve dumbed up.

You’re probably referring to _root in HistoryScroll.swf. Depending on how your code is, skip the _root or chang it in _parent or “this” [size=1](without quotes)[/size]
