About php scoket problem

hello, I’m a beginner of php. I’ve reada artice about PHP5 scoket in this website(http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash8/php5sockets_flash8_6.htm).
I’ve already tried this application but I got a fail on this :(.
Of course it must fail to connect the server side of this chatroom(Server connection failed!). And i think i must do someting wrong on it. In the “socketTut.php”. The first line
#!/usr/bin/php -q
This chatroom must hold on linux platform? I run it in Windows ,so that I got fail?

And soory about my bad english. I feel greatful if anyone can help me.

That line should be ignored on Windows. Have you configured the script and the Flash file to the correct settings. The host should be “localhost” for both, and make sure they’re both on the same port.

I’ve already changed the configure (even tried localhost / / server ip)
Also I tried to del the #!/usr/bin/php -q

but I still got fail :frowning:

Hmm… What does the error code look like? (Or is it on the Flash side.) Have you tried using Telnet to access the socket server?

Here is the result

I can telnet the ip and port successfully

Hmm… It really seems like an error on the Flash side. It might be running into a permissions error somewhere.

I don’t think it’s the permission problem. It is because I’ve already use the local administrator and full contorl those file…

May be I should giveup this example…
Do you have any similiar example about this? Actually, I just want to study how to write the real-time chatroom…
And thank you for your help too

I’ve done this tutorial once before out of curiosity and everything worked just fine for me. I know there are a lot of other PHP socket tutorials, so you may want to look at those too.

Good luck! (Not sarcastically.)