About PlayStation 3

It turns out…

Everyone remember that SuperComputer Cell mechanism sony was bragging about? 4 cells, a teraflop, best machine ever. Links to others to attain ultra-processing-power…

Well it looks like that will be Playstation 4 instead of 3.

To achieve this crazy-awesomeness, Sony will need to throw in about 4 billion dollars for R&D and production. Good luck seeing something on store shelves if it will cost them 1000 dollars just to sell it to you. For 500. …Yeah.

We do have confirmation on what the PS3 looks like!

Spoiler!!! Don’t lookit the machine unless… you… want to!!!

And for the whole story about the 3-4 thing (not a joke, unlike that picture) go to here:


Its about FRIGGEN time they put a flashlight on the controller, I mean GEEZ!


Sen - I was impressed with the Kinder Surprise. What’s better than being able to crack open your new system AND get a surprise toy… they thought of everything.

Here’s hoping I get that bloody wooden train that’s no fun cause it’s already put together - bastards :wink:

the box is always more fun to play with anyway :wink:

The box? you mean the annoyingly hard to open cylinder?

I acctualy seen the pic for PS3, it was in some gandget magazine…
In stands last month,…

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Its about FRIGGEN time they put a flashlight on the controller, I mean GEEZ!

:beam: **


I… No russian… I… doubt it. I mean, I don’t think you’re a liar or anything, I just really doubt it was an actual picture of it.

But Playstations will still be very complex to program well, although it’s just as well that Sony doesn’t want to take the Microsoft DirectX route.

Good, that means games won’t crash and you won’t have to download updates from the internet.

It was a picture … it was from Sony…
Check G3, issue couple of months ago…

Russian it might have been the new PS2X or what ever the yare calling it. Soney is releaseing a new version of hte PS2. It wil lahve a hard drive and al lthe other online junk built in. It even has a dvd burner if i read the specs right. The pic i saw was a all silver and balck looking console

Nope, its said PS3, but it was just a desing… it wasnt the actual, actual PS3, but how it will look like… I mean, they havent put all the hardware together… but I guess they did the box! :stuck_out_tongue:

its possible thats not the final design too. The XBox went through some pretty last minute redesigns (it was an upright X - bah!)

Yes all very true…

It wasnt exacly last minute, my bro who was working with them at MS was testing Dvd’s on it (Hard Job!) They agreed on a design for a bit…

But yes, it could change.

yeah 3d-iva has a bright green Beta Xbox, it can play burned discs and what not, i want one! and hehe, the best part is the built in rubber ducky cause now i can play in the bath

yeah that flashlight comment was quite funny… :slight_smile: