Absolute Paths

If i’ve built a site with all links to images and scripts using absolute paths /images/img.gif and now i’ve found out the client is not going to be housing this site with folders to images and scripts, etc in the root directory but in subfolders of the root directory is there a way i can make sure everything points where it should without having to change all the code?

If you have DW. Then you can do it easily by setting up a site in DW. Then moving the files where they need to be. DW will ask you if you want to update all links. Say yes then DW will do it for you BTW DW = Dreamweaver

would you reccomend building sites in Dreamweaver in general? I normally just handcode everything with BBEdit. Is Dreamweaver easy to get used to and better for building sites?

yes I do recommend it. For situations just as this. Better organizations and global changes. Round trip editting between FW and Flash, extensions. There are so many reasons you should be using it that I cannot ist them all.

Are there any books I should look into to get better acclamated with DW or is it pretty self-explanatory. Can you give me an idea of how the process would look creating a typical 6-10 page website with DW? What are other peoples opinions on this?