Dreamweaver.. stuck!

Hey guys i am stuck with this dumb problem
i am making my splash page in dream… and theres 2 links.
one is for the direct URL to download the flash plug in and the other one is to enter to my main page…
i make my text into link and place the URL but it doesn’t work ! :-\
the wierd thing is that when i click on the link a _self pages opens and in my adress bar the URL is not the one i placed but the direccion of where all my files of that site are saved//
hope you understand…

and another thing that i think its part of my problem…
i can’t save my site where ever i want. it saves in a folder
(unnamed site) and every time that i open a image or flash etc etc… a message pops that i have to save it in that folder???
hope u understand me :blush: :blush:

I think you may have set the site up wrong in DW. What are your site options? What did you pick when you set up the site in DW. If you do not name a folder DW will use unnamed and your links will be funny. Also what kind of path are you using in your link? absolute or relative?

Options what do you mean? :blush:
and no its not a unnamed folder, because DW never asked me if i wanted to create a folder in the first place, and some months ago i could save my work every where i wanted.
but i have never be able to have a link that could send me to a defined URL

could you post a code snippet? of you a href. I dont think I am following you. Post a screenshot of the url bar also.

ok ok heres the link i gave the text:http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash
thats the URL i want them to go when they click but instead
it opens a blank new page says that the page could not be displayed and this is the URL that appears:C:\Documents and Settings\william stuart\My Documents\Unnamed Site 1\TMP226xnnlwjc.htm>> .thats the URL where all my work is saved !

while in DW are you pressing f12 to view? If so you need to set up a site. Or view using or localhost. There is a configuration issue with DW. Setting up a site is easy and I think will settle your problem.

yes i press f12 to see my site… well i never though about a conection problem… but if thats the case i don’t know what to do…
and how can i set up a site like you said ??

you can’t just make stuff in dreamweaver the second you get it. You have to set it up.

this could help: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28640&highlight=MiniTutorial

good tut…wish I knew it was there…you know how many times I answer this question? I started to do a tut my darn self…gj…yeah man thats what you have to…DW should have prompted you to do so. ALWAYS CONSULT THE HELP FILES OF A PROGGY