Hi guys
I have a problem with the following actionsctipt. what this actionscript does is to position the “mc_content” in the middle of page all the time, even the user trying to resize the window. but my problem is when you open the window “mc_content” is not align in the middle, but after you resize the browser it will adjust in the middle of the page.
stop ();
Stage.align = “TL”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
mc_content._x = Math.floor((Stage.width - mc_content._width) / 2);
mc_content._y = Math.floor((Stage.height - mc_content._height) / 2);
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function() {
mc_content._x = Math.floor((Stage.width - mc_content._width) / 2);
mc_content._y = Math.floor((Stage.height - mc_content._height) / 2);