Academic Standing: Suspension

Hey Everyone!

So a week from now my Fall semester of my second year of university will begin, except I won’t be a part of it unfortunately from an email I received 2 days ago.

The transition from high school to university has been one a difficult one for me this one year ago. While trying to adjust to the change, my last year’s fall semester was plagued with many hardships. In a matter of months, from March till October, I experienced 3 deaths that were close to me ( one close family and two friends) and also the relationship with my gf ended in November because she couldn’t handle being around my in such a rough state for too long.

These factors pretty much led to a barely passing gpa for my fall semester and was automatically placed on probation. End of December and before Winter semester, I decided to get myself help. It has been slowly successful and I finished the semester with a semester gpa that was 65% higher than what I finished with the semester before. But because the fall semester had a low gpa, my cumulative gpa of both semesters raised but not enough to get me out of probation.

Since I had a low gpa, I decided to take 3 courses this summer break to try and getting out of probation while also working full time to pay off my loans for the summer tuitions. I finished the summer courses a couple weeks ago and lowly passed, raising my cumulative gpa by a mere couple decimals. Unfortunately this wasn’t good enough and then this past Friday received the email saying I was suspended for a whole year.

I scheduled an appointment with the faculty advisor to try an appeal this suspension for Wednesday. I really want to continue my studies. I’ve had a rough time my first couple months of school but took help and made significant improvements in the winter semester. I strongly know that from now on I can only go up.

Anyone have any success with appealing suspensions?