Access right on the pc

hey dudes, need a hand on a pc issue,

Need to find out how to disable deleting in access rights for a particular folder.


anyone got a idea?

come on!!! Don’t make me start acting like Rynoe!!! I hate you all , lol, j/k. :crazy:

Anyway Need to figure this out, to get the contents from a install file.

What happens is that after it installs it has a fatal error and deletes the folder. so i need to find out how to disable deleting, its through access right i assume (-:

you could try and encrypt it for secure data if you have xp. Well I am sure you can do it with any OS but it’s easy with XP. Just right click, properties, advanced, check the encrypt box.

not too sure though man… Wish I could help more…

ill give that a go, thanx:)

no go dude, didnt work :frowning: