heheh. i was doing an image and when i went to fill a selection it ended up filling on the BG and i thought i just looked kinad cool. so here it is.:whistle:
needs color. =)
yeah but like i didnt touch it when i found it. i donno it was just a bit how i was feeling, black and white you know?
thats awsome… it just has that look, that look that makes it look real cool
i thought it looked kind photo copied…thanks!
I like it, very… wierd. Lol.
if you could make it look metallic but keep the … as you said ‘photocopy’ effect, then it’d be awesome. IMO.
Like, more metallic, cause when I just looked at it again, I realized it already has a metallish sort of look.
that’s a great looking mistake! hehe…yeha, color would be nice. =)