Acid trip

Thought this was cool


Thnx for sharing.

I actually liked drawing no. 8 - it had some interesting lines !

ah drugs

some of the LSD stuff is pritty good

Those are fascinating. Thanks :slight_smile:
I really like these two:


So… dropping acid is cool if you’re in a laboratory chained to a desk, drawing.

I am sooooo down.

:love: Ahhh, College, how it miss it some times…

//You want craziness? THIS is craziness, and it’s au naturel.

This might be interpreted as pro-drugs or encouraging people to try it, but I just think that this is a very good read. Kinda gives you a perspective what “real” psychedelics do to the human psyche.

Drawing on LSD has to be one of the funniest things you can do while under the influence of it. I think we need to give like Darkmotion LSD and chain him to a desk and force him to draw.

^I second that motion.

I volunteer to be the drawer!
If it makes me draw as well as those pics posted it will all be worth it.

I third that darkmotion

I’ve never had acid, but mushrooms scared the bejesus out of me. I’m curious about DMT and especially the entire ritual of taking ayahuasca, but think it’d be too frightening.

It changed me as a person. Bigtime.

In a good way too, I started appreciating things I never bothered to even look at before. Like sunsets, flowers, nature, trees. The shape of things. Still carry that experience with me, 10 years later.

Did you go to an ayahusca workshop or whatever they’re called?

I’d be interested to hear about the experience in any event, if you have it documented somewhere on the web, PM me a link.


I don’t, but I’ll send a PM with the details in the morning. Was gonna crash on the couch and watch cheesy sit-coms for a while :slight_smile:

Hehe nice! And thanks :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=leisuresuitlissy;2329389]I’ve never had acid, but mushrooms scared the bejesus out of me. I’m curious about DMT and especially the entire ritual of taking ayahuasca, but think it’d be too frightening.[/QUOTE]
The only thing I remember about mushrooms is that I was staring down at somebody’s bed smoking a cigarette and I was so out of it that I didn’t realize that all of the smoke was going straight into my eyes. The next morning they were more red than anything I’ve ever seen. Oh yeah, and the walls started moving a few times. Heh, as bad as it was it was still pretty fun doing stuff like that with friends. I’m straight as an arrow now, except for crown and occasional coppenhagen.

About 6 years ago, me, my sister, and a friend boiled up and drank a whole baggie between us, in retrospect, I don’t think we were supposed to consume that much in one sitting.

It was a saturday night (I guess that makes it alright), and the three of us were getting ready to go out. My sister was trying to put make up on and she said she couldn’t because her face kept morphing into that of a lion’s in the mirror, and she cautioned my friend on driving, in case he turned into a lion at the wheel.

Anyway, we eventually staggered to a cafe, and stared at the photos on the wall (they all looked 3d), then we went to a twee brit pop nightclub. I felt a little overwhelmed by the noise and lights so decided to go home. Walking through the city at 3am was an interesting experience. I felt like I was part of the structure on either side of the street.

Got home, sat around, couldn’t sleep because of godawful stomach cramps and hallucinations. I was convinced I’d be stuck in that state forever. Very frightening.

Yeah I didn’t do that much :lol:

Although I do vaguely remember some paranoia trips.

Wow those are pretty cool, pretty interesting too.

Ive never done lcd or shrooms but from what Ive heared from people they sound pretty fun :stuck_out_tongue: A friend of mine was telling me how the first time he did it he looked up at the sky, and saw Elvis looking down on him, and after staring for a while he looked back down to noticed the street was covered in ducks :lol: