ACK! help please

I screwed up my blog template somehow and I have no idea what did it. When someone clicks to go to a blog posts individual page (clicking on title of post) the page that opens has everything shifted up and the white background doesn’t cover the content.

can anyone view the page source and tell me what is going on?



make sure single.php within your theme is up to date with the modified code from index.php

I always forget to do this, clicking a post title brings you to a different template page

sorry, i don’t know much about php at all :frowning: could you please elaborate? is single.php suppose to have the same code in it as index.php?

Not the same code, but the same customization,

You’ve edited index.php to display how you want it to, so you probably added some divs (or tables if you’re using them)

you have to mimick the exact structure of how your post is “built” from index.php, in single.php

i haven’t made changes to either of those files. I was trying to make my header clickable and was messing with the style.css and header.php. do you have to add </div> to the end of every <div> command? I can’t remember if there were any there or if I deleted some

Yes, for every div you open, you must close, this is definitely causing you some headaches :stuck_out_tongue:

still not working. do you think this would be a problem in the style.css page? or is there some tag that isn’t there? or is it impossible to tell?

you need to add a </div> right before <div id=“content”>

your header isn’t being closed, so the content slides inside of the header

your index page is probably alread has the </div> (thats why it works) so remove it from index.php (the </div> that appears before <div id=“content”> and add it to your header.php,

<div id=“header”>

Thats how it should look when you’re done modifying header.php

thanks for help :slight_smile:

didn’t see your post in time. I ended up redownloading the theme and starting over. its fixed now.

edit - thought it was fixed but its not. i’ll try your suggestion

do you know an easy way to make the header link back to the main page? i think i have to do it in php somewhere but i’m not sure where because it seems like there are a million variables that are refering to who-knows-what

still not working. even after i reinstalled the code from all the pages I’ve messed with

  • edit: i just realized that it was working after i re installed the theme, but stopped after i made changes to it. perhaps using height: for the header is screwing everything up

  • edit 2: i took height out and it changed it for the index.php page but not for the single post page where the problem lies.

Why don’t you just reinstall again?

i did once, copying and pasting code. that didn’t work

then i downloaded the whole thing again and replaced all the files and something is STILL wrong. now i’m completely baffled.

here is what it should look like

here is what mine looks like

and i just reloaded all the files fresh

doesn’t work with firefox 3.0 :frowning:

i fixed the problem. thanks for all your help.

Strange, I have firefox3 and it works for me,

here’s the latest version (the one I have installed, and no problems)