Well, I’m going to B&N tomorrow, hopefully pick up some good books on Actionscripting and do one last study before summer ends, school starts. Any suggestions? I know there was this one book I wanted, I forgot the name, it has a tree on the front cover, and lightning ! LOL. Well anyways !
I forgot the name, it has a tree on the front cover, and lightning ! LOL. Well anyways !
Thats Robert Penner’s Actionscript Programming book. It mostly focuses on the programming side of actionscript. I pressume you havent been here a long while so I wont go off at you to SEARCH! :beam:
Im not sure what your into. Are you into just actionscript as a whole or specific areas like OOP and other programming areas? The Robert Penner is a good one from what Ive heard. Though if your into main
, have a look at:
- Flash MX Actionscript Bible
- Macromedia Training from the Source
- Joshua Davis: Flash to the Core
- Colin Moock: Actionscript: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition)
- Friends of Ed Series.
- Sams Teach Yourself Flash MX in 24 Hrs (what I have)
The books I have listed are all good and I cant say any of them is unsuitable since they explain and progress
in different ways as well as diagrams. You should consider Moock’s book as a top priotry and then consider the others. But make sure you take a look at them at the bookstore throughly and see if they are right for you.
If you already learned how to program with Actionscript you need to learn some hardcore OOP with:
“Essential Actionscript 2.0” By Colin Moock
The most anticipated book of the season.
If you don’t know Actionscript then get his other book first:
“Actionscript MX: The Definitive Guide” By: Colin Moock
Only reason I suggest the same author is because he words everything perfect and makes it easy to learn. Of course he is also like the king of Actionscript OOP.
Flash MX Actionscript Bible - teaches you everything. Dynamically loading stuff, all the functions/operators…and I mean ALL. Teaches you advanced preloaders, security for your sites, connecting to other servers, xml chats, tic tac toe multiplayer online…so much stuff in that book =).
'Colin Moock: Actionscript: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition)'
i bought this not so long back, nowhere near finished reading it…but it is a top book, explains things really well.
i also have 'Sams Teach Yourself Flash MX in 24 Hrs’
but its quite poor in relation too Colin Moocks book.
Thanks. I got my Actionscript 2.0 Certification from Macromedia, so I understand the very well the basics, I also recommend the book for anyone else who can follow it.