When loading movies

if you make the movie stop like say for making a full flash site, how do you make it continue the animation when you click another button.

but replace the stop(); action with a play(); action.


ok in my main move i am going to do a
on release {

and where i have the stop command will be in my movie1.swf file
so how do i make it play from where it stopped?
because in my movie1.swf i am just going to have it play to a certain fram and then stop.

*Originally posted by MattC *
**ok in my main move i am going to do a
on release {

and where i have the stop command will be in my movie1.swf file
so how do i make it play from where it stopped?
because in my movie1.swf i am just going to have it play to a certain fram and then stop. **


use this () and this ; :

on COLOR=blue[/COLOR] {

and, to play the movie, you can simply place a button on that very movie on the frame that it stop, with an action like this:

on (release){


that doesnt make sense all my buttons are going to be in my main movie and so when i click on say…info… it will finish the home page movie and then run the info movie.

then, have a button on the main movie with the folowing script:

on (release){

= level of the loaded movie

cheers =)

thats not going to work either becuase i will have like 6 buttons on the site so it will be different depending on what page you are on.

so what, exactly, do you want?

I mean, how can i help ya?



exactly how he has (well the concept) if you click one button it finishes the current movie then loads another. Then when you click another button it finishes that movie and loads another

i only understand you now.

here´s what he is doing:

every section is a different movie [SIZE=1]~doh[/SIZE], and when you click a button, the actions are similar to that:

[SIZE=1]let´s say you are at home and you click the portfolio button:[/SIZE]

on (release){
_root.nextContent = “portfolio”;

[SIZE=1]this will make the actual content movieclip (home) play, and set the value of the variable nextContent to portfolio
at the end (last frame) of each content movieclip, in this case home, is a conditional loop that will check wich is the next content that must be loaded, like that one:[/SIZE]

if (_root.nextContent == “home”){
loadMovieNum(“home.swf”, 1);
}else if (_root.nextContent == “portfolio”){
loadMovieNum(“portfolio.swf”, 1);
}else if (_root.nextContent == “yadayada”){
loadMovieNum(“yadayada.swf”, 1);
} and so on…

[SIZE=1]so, when the home movieclip get to the last frame, the condition loop will find that the actual value for the nextContent variable is portfolio, and so, will perform the action loadMovieNum(“portfolio.swf”, 1); that will load the portfolio section[/SIZE]

Got it?

wow i have no clue really but i think we are on the same page, i will try this when i get home from work and see what i come up with. Yikes, and i thought it was going to be simple

that is simple.

Maybe i whip up some fla example for ya.

Cheers :pirate:

im sure it is, just when i see actionscripting i get intimidated. but i really do appreciate you helping me

I´m here to help. =)

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