Flash mx - stop movie clip

I have a movieclip playing in scene 1.

When I press the menu button I want the clip to stop and move to the next scene.

Right now the clip doesn’t stop and the scene change isn’t made.

What is the actionscript for this and does it go into the frame or into the button?

Thanks for help

hey, from what you is for your current scene to have a gotoandPLay frame 1 so it loops, then on your button you need this:
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 1);

What this says, is one the release of the mouse, gotoAndPlay Scene1, frame 1. So you can edit this and instead of scene 1 you can put the name of your scene you want to go to, and put the frame in that sceen you want to go to. If you need any help just post back, try to include a little bit better explanation so I know exactly how to help you :slight_smile:

using scenes is always a pain, you’d be better off with Movie Clips

Yeldarb is right, scenes are a pain, but you will soon learn that. They aren’t completely useless (just not very useful ;))

However, the best method to switch between scenes is to give first frame in that scene a frame label (properties panel for frame), then target it with gotoAndPlay(frameLabel) (or gotoAndStop(frameLabel))

This is a better method because using gotoAndPlay(“SceneName”, frameNumber) only works if the button you are using is on the main timeline anyway, but once you put that button inside another symbol, it will no longer work… grrr. That is why I prefer the previous method I mentioned.