i’m working on a horizontally sliding menu and am feeling stuck. I’ve checked out tutes here and there and found they’re all pretty generic.
they evaluate the mouse position, compare it to the width of a target (usually _root) and move the clip left or right.
My menu needs to do that, but also needs to calculate the width of itself (an mc that has other mc’s dyn attached) take that width and somehow calculate when to stop sliding left and right.
Also I need to figure out how to make the friggin thing stop when you roll off it.
I figure eventually i’ll bumble my way through it but if anybody could give me some advice that’d be great.
do I need to use a on clip event? if so which one? I need to be able to calculate that dynamic width before i do anything right? Got any suggestions on how to make the dynamic clip center itself over the target so it starts in the middle?
I haven’t done a whole lot with actionscripted movement so any advice of where to look for info is great too! thanks.