Is that PR in the picture? What’s going on?
Bill, Pr and I added grunge to show how easily it can be done. Looks like Color is taking PRs edited version, removed PRs watermark and plans on using it.
Uh oh :sleep:.
ok, click the ORIGINAL…i just took pic that right now
i mite use PRSTUDIOS if he gives permission
anybody, do watever u can to make this grunge!
I don’t get it man… are you not even trying? We’ve all givin easy,valid ways to do this.
I’m kinda confused as I think you call yourself a designer yet the easiest things you can’t do. Why don’t you attempt to try any of the techniques that we’ve suggested. If the problem you’re having w/ brushes is loading them take a look at the PS manual it tells you how to load them. If you don’t feel like looking through it use their online help. I know this is harsh but I think that this is something you take a shot at yourself.
edit: tact is not in my dictionary
Here’s yet another example of how you can do grunge. This pic is mainly made using blending modes, with some brushes thrown in for good measure.
Now stop being so lazy and try it yourself. You’ll never learn if you don’t try. 3 months ago Photoshop scared the crap out of me. But I mucked around with the filters and, after consulting KF, downloaded a whole bunch of brushes, mostly grunge. Now I love doing all sorts of work in PS. If I’d simply asked PRStudios or CanadianGuy to do things for me (which they probably wouldn’t have anywhere as they have their own projects) then I wouldn’t be able to do things like the image below. Haven’t you heard the old sayings: “Practice makes perfect.” and “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” So give it a go. Find a good tutorial and once you’ve done it, try to modify to create your own effect. That teaches you how to use Photoshop to create what you want instead of telling you what to press. Try it, you might surprise yourself. [/psychiatrist]
“That’ll be three hundred bucks for the session please.”
Well Jeopardy sucks so here ya go. You can use this however you want. Go ahead and show your mom and dad and tell all your friends how great you are. :geek: :cyborg: :trout:
You cannot use my picture nor the work that I digitally manipulated in any way. I own the creative copyright on it and you are blatantly violating it. I suggest that you immediately delete the item in question. Not only do I run my own studio, but I also work in law enforcement so I suggest that you comply.
Show evidence that you have complied.
Oooh - when the law hits them…
Err, he’s right, you should seriously remove that image, even if it is something so simple.
I suggest you try it out yourself next time. You can actally be happier if you make something yourself and it looks good :).
rolls eyes
This is getting funny.
Doo Doo Doodle Loodle Loo Loo Loodle…
secret handshake activate!
Ethan you forgot to copyright that masterpiece!
Don’t worry I got your back.
Thanks for watching my back CG. KTNACM Unite!
no problem Master President King Lord Sir.
PR wtf is that?
Wtf is the loser kid? I want to hear what he has to say about all this.