Hi I wonder if any one can help, I’m in the midst of doing a Project that requires me to
[]Reads from XML Document (well thats working at least)
[]Then take all the information from XML and add it separate text fields in side of another movie clip for each XML entry…
[]Then take each of those entries and ADD them to a scroll pane.
[]then using the same XML data populate ANOTHER scroll pane with the title of each entry and use those as links within the SWF to other options (Ie if you were to say, having all the titles - chairs tables and stools on one side and then selecting chairs pulls all the chair entries, selecting tables pulls all the table entries.
[*]then when thats all done certain entires are well premium and other not, also each products listing is to be randomized so that each product does not have preferential positioning[/LIST]If some one could point me in the way of some decent tutorials It would be appreciated. as I’m in the midst of migrating from an AS2 environment to AS3. and as such I have not had the time to learn AS3.
thanks in advance all