
Hello Kirupa administrators… First of all I would like to thank you for this very cool site :cool: I’m a rookie when it comes to flash, so I thought it could help other beginners, if you would add the File>Publish Preview>HTML in the “Flash & HTML Frames” tuturial -
“Modifying the Flash Buttons”. I spend almost an hour solving the problem. (I learned a little more about flash :slight_smile: )


Regards Lauge

hm, Lauge…

En af mine kammerater (Kasper), gik i klasse med en Lauge… :slight_smile:

dam you denmark ppl!.. can’t understand a single work you’re saying! :bad:

Wekcome to the forums Lauge! =)

A from mine the friend Kasper ), went to bracket by a Lauge.

-> What I got from translation machine :stuck_out_tongue:

*Welcome Lauge =)

danish isn’t so bad :beam:


voets: :P:P:P wow, it got “friend” right :slight_smile:

Lol, yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me take a guess at what you said:

En af mine kammerater (Kasper), gik i klasse med en Lauge…
One of my friends (Kasper), went to mid-school in Lauge …

… correct ?

I know Norwegian, and its easy to read Danish.

Welcome to the forume m8 :trout:

close voets :slight_smile:

but no banana :slight_smile: