To start off, not sure where to post this so my apologies if its in the wrong section.
I’m currently using Premiere Pro Cs3 to edit some videos, and all is fine until I come to export the video.
I’ve only use the program a handful of times and this is kinda the first lot of video editing I’ve done properly, so I’m not really understanding much of it at the minuet.
The problem I’m having is the compression of the video when I export. I have about *100-200meg *worth of film footage edited into a 15min video and the export file is knocking 3.1gb and I’m getting distortion on the final video. (its like a horizontal banding that breaks the film footage)
I’ve had a look at my settings and tried a few variations trying to cut down the size, but nothing seems to be taking much effect and most of all I have pretty much no idea what each option changes exactly related to the film and audio.
I’ve read about people using different codecs and encryption or something when they export but I cant seem to find these settings at all…
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’m a complete and utter Newb with Premiere Pro Cs3 and if you would like any screens or anything let me know, and I will try and get them for you.
Many Thanks in advance
—[ edit
Just been browsing some more and noticed I could export through the “Adobe Media Encoder” I don’t know if exporting this way will give me more control over what compression I can do or not, as every time I try and click “export -> Adobe Media Encoder” APP(adobe prem pro) crashes to desktop
/edit ]—