Advent Children Art 1

Can anyone guess who this is? :slight_smile:

Since the latest trailer and stuff with loads of new images of the main characters, I thought it might be fun to draw some of them…

Don’t know who it is…(haven’t been into my games like usual lately) but the image looks great. Good job Kit!

Ok Kit,
I’m going to take a shot at it, but is that seph? It looks great though! Awsome work, as always!

So close. :slight_smile:

His name is Kaduj (or Kadaj, depending on which site you look at). He’s one of three silver haired men who appear in Advent Children, and my bet is that he’s a Sephiroth clone. :slight_smile:

yeah hes a sephiroth clone or some say that the 3 men represent diffrent parts of sephiroth. do sephiroth now in his lovely wheel chair and black cloke :slight_smile: vincent looks badass in the movie! ( psst do you know of a release date? )

Summer 2004 is the word on the street, but that’s for Japan. America shouldn’t be too long afterward. Whether they’ll release it over here in Europe of course is another matter. We never got any of the merchandise (I get mine from eBay), so whether we’ll get the film… Still, I’ll just get the US version. :slight_smile:

Vincent does indeed look teh sexeh. :beam: I saw the first trailer a while back and it looked as if he was jumping off a tree, but you couldn’t be sure… Then this new one came out and you see him for definite. :slight_smile: Hoo boy. :beam: Now that’s something I’m definitely going to have to draw. :stuck_out_tongue:

A picture of the wheelchair guy? Nice idea… How about of the two of them? There’s this pose in the movie where he’s kneeling and stuff… I like that. Next picture coming up soon. :slight_smile:

OH YEAH that bit where he kneels down and then it flashes to nibelhime (if thats spelt right) where its all on fire.

go for it man wud look badass! then u could do a nice big one of sephiroth in the flames! :smiley:

and they so best release it here in england! other wise im gonna fly to japan and whoop sumones butt! :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re English too? Cool, didn’t realise that. :slight_smile: Someone else in the same boat as me! :stuck_out_tongue: Tell the truth, I’m tempted by the Japanese version, just so I can see it as soon as possible. Wouldn’t understand a word, of course, but at least I’d get eye-candy in the CG of Vincent. :slight_smile: I just hope he’s in it as a main character this time, not just a brief appearance…

Next pic will be on the way this weekend. :beam: There’s so many fantastic looking characters from AC though… Gotta draw 'em all. :wink:

“Gotta draw 'em all”

D@MN RIGHT YOU HAVE :slight_smile:

I think my hand just fell off. :sure: :stuck_out_tongue: