Advice on code/script being copied

Hi. I hope this is the right place for this question…

I recently designed myself a portfolio website, and have found 2 different sites where they have copied my source code and javascript etc., changed a background image and filled it with their own work. Basically treated it like a template. I know they have copied the source code as my google verification code is also in there (thats how I found the sites). This alone is screwing up my stats!!

As it was my own site I didn’t put any copyright text on the site, so I just wondered what if anything I can do about it? The weird thing is they are both students at the same uni, I’m thinking of contacting the uni as they may be using this as part of their course?

What do you think? Any advice will be greatly received.


ps. I haven’t included any links as I don’t want to give them anymore hits, or open anything up to abuse… but trust me they are rip-offs.