Aim 6 beta


they totally redid the iface . . . it’s so . . . eww, big and icky.


they finally let you use custom colors (not that big of a deal, but, yeah)

the buddylist and setup buddylist are all in one

tabbed ims <3


The ugly iface

You can’t “exit” aim, only sign off. Gets annoying when you have an ugly aol icon in your tray all the time :smiley:

Cant find out how to mod it (no ads, etc)

probably wont work with addons (middleman, deadaim) :frowning:

ad removal:

if you want to remove ads in AIM Triton do this

open C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\AIMBeta\services\imApp\ver0_1_12\content\prefs\ in your favorite rich text editor, such as wordpad (notepad can’t handle it!!)

search for ads, remove collapsed=“true” from that line. Save…

then open up your settings and click ads-no ads :crazy: