
I am sure many of you have heard about Trillian. I connected to it and I am trying to use AIM but for some reason I can’t see my buddy list. Anyone have any suggestions.

trillian is ok, i used to use it. but it just has too many bugs that are still unresolved. example: the aim buddy list.

dead aim is better :-\

MSN messenger. thats what I use. I’ve never used anything else

dippy and coppertop, trillian is for using multiple messaging programs, so dead aim really isn’t better on multiple programs, and coppertop, same thing there.

trillian really messes with all your stuff making it hard to organize and you can’t get the colors you want or have a good profile. I basically hate it. =)

Meh. trillian is ok, but i dont use it, wayyy to many bugs

have you tried it recently? im running it, and have no problems. =)

I tried it and got rid of it. sometimes u MSG ppl and it doesn’t get threw.

well people ignore me anyway, so its nothing new to me =) hehe

U say something Raydred i wasnt’ paying attention

it always worked for me, i just couldnt make a profile.

i used to use it worked great, i am tellin him to ditch the other msg proggies and go for dead aim. trillian was great, i just didnt have a whole lot of buddies on msn or icq, so i ditched it, and it was a really old verson, so it may be something with the new ones i donno.

I cannot stand Trillian. I tried to use it about 2 months ago and it frustrated me to no end. I am the kind of person that likes to customize everything so it’s exactly the way I like it - Trillian wouldnt let me do that.

I can’t stand Trillian either. I like to easily move people around in my buddy list, and I hate how Trillian bunches all offline members along with online members, or prompts me to perform some weird ritual before allowing me to adjust the order of the buddies on the list :goatee:

Kirupa :bandit:

Profile is an essential to my online personality. Since Trillian doesn’t allow Profiles and most of the time, it just comes up as “My Profile,” it’s quite ridiculous.

trillian rocks…

end of story…


*Originally posted by kirupa *
**… or prompts me to perform some weird ritual before allowing me to adjust the order of the buddies on the list **

ROTFL… hehhehe

just a note: you can change the ‘offline users’ folder
all you do is right click and go > contact list management > and uncheck hide offline users.

as for my opinion of trillian, i started with them way back in the beginning, and will never go back to any of the other messengers. their probs that they had with AIM was nto trillians fault, they were because AIM kept changing things around so you couldnt connect. it was cuz aol were being d*cks and afraid of the competition cuz they knew that trill is far superior to anything. anyway, they lost the battle in the long run. for a few months, as fast as AIM could change their program, trill would release a patch or a new version to overcome it. even i think 2 or 3 times in a day once. as far as im concerned, if a big company like aol is SO upset over something, then aside from showing that they see it as a threat, it also shows that Trill is a damm good company who is on thier toes to provide a good product, (because they woudl patch it like, within a few hours at most)

if anyone wants some entertainment, read back through the old archives at trill’s site.

trill has a million preferences and options, it just seems as if a lot of people who dont know it well are unaware that they exist.

in anycase, i’m a Trill Girl all the way. :beam: :thumb: