Alien Hominid

DOes anyone know where I can download the flash game Alien Hominid to my pc?

I did that so I could play it all day loong :stuck_out_tongue:

Do what I always do, Whenever there’s a page with the movie on it, look at the page source and find out where the .swf is from, then copy the address and google for it, then google gives our the link to the flash file and then do right click -> save link/target as

alien hominid link:

Sweet, thanks man… Any chance you could tell me where I could find a copy of Alien hominid on a site?

well here’s one :
and here’s one:
and here’s one:

Thanks again… I hope to be like you when I grow up… Wait, did that sound gay?

For some ppl mby :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway make that “when I get 15” instead of “when I grow up” :wink:

um excuse me but that is considered pirating and synj duznt like it when his stuff is stolen.

It’s not piracy. When you play the game from a site you automaticaly download it in your cache. So whether you download it manually or automatically… it’s on your computer just the same. It’s piracy when you show it to people saying you made it. Or when you rip it to create your own version from it.

Piracy: pi-ra-cy ; The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material.

Keyword being **unauthorised. **The game was created for newgrounds, so where ever else u see/play it, has taken it without permision and therefor PIRATED it.

You think people who download movies and games wont get into trouble because they didnt say it was theres? no! they will be charged with piracy becasue they duplicated it without consent from the original proprioter.

Dont act smart about things you know nothing about.

There are loads of places to play this :to:

yes i know, and thats why dan and tom didnt bother trying to get them all. the fact is, AH was made for newgrounds, and anywhere else that has it has copied it there without permission.

I’m sorry but Tom Fulp said that ALien Hominid could be published anywhere online, as long as it wasn’t titled as someone elses work. Which is why you can find it on many Flash sites, because it IS allowed…