I must have this…:crazy:
I must have this…:crazy:
Price: $5,458.00 :huh:
WOW that looks amazing !
Can I possibly be the only person who thinks alienware cases are the ugliest abominations to set foot this side of the pc world?
[SIZE=1]Of course I’d still like to have one.[/SIZE]
Droooooool … :drool::love:
AlienWare makes the coolest comps. I’d even buy one just for it’s case. One day, I must own one of these.
Wow…5000+ without a monitor They do use top-notch hardware though! I’m with ditch. I am not too crazy about how the pc looks, but I wouldn’t mind playing HL2, Doom3, or even Halo 1 on that PC hehe.
Wow those sure are cool lookin’. Looking at my case right now I can’t believe I ever thought it was cool. :lol:
Aww, how come this one doesn’t come with 3DSMax? Of course if it did, the price would go up to $8,000.
Great computers… but I don’t think they’re worth that much. :upset:
God I Need One Of Those!
If you buy a computer from alienware, you’re also paying a lot for the case and the brand name. I could build a custom computer with the same specs for $2,000.
I doubt you could but you can come close. They use alot of proprietary stuff in their machines. I have an older A-ware. ANd plus the tech support is the best by far. But I have to have this machine :drool:
Nope, your not alone. That one case right there is just about the most hideous heinous things I have even seen encasing a computer.
You know, if that thing were using and AMD, I would be all over it :drool: It’s still pretty good. Myself, I think I’m going to wait untill PCI-Express becomes a little more common then I’ll get me a kickass computer.
I priced my custom laptop at $8,000
Well I know what I want for college eh?
My dad says I could pick whichever PC I wanted when I go. (but thats in 4 years, so I’ll prolly get a 5GHz by then)
I think that case is awesome looking.
They make sure amazing computers… wow. That 5g price tag is like 300 million Canadian!
Geez! $164 per month suggested payments, that’s almost as much as my car! Hmm… a car or computer… car… computer… If only I could drive the computer… :sigh:
Then again, with my network of 5 computers and all the tricked out crap and software, I could probably go to college (Junior college ) on what I’ve spent.
I think the Area-51 case looked cooler but thats just me… I don’t like that unsightly bump on the top which they put the cooling system in. The rest of its sexy though :love:
Wow! Overpriced!
One word
Overated. Most of the money like someone said is for the case (which isn’t THAT great) and the brand name. You can build you own with the same or better specs for less. Just go to sites like or stuff like that.
Yeah, personally I think Alienware is just a name that gaming-addicts get to brag about around the school yard. No offense or anything, that’s just my personal opinion.
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